Print this page and mail to me or Call.
1085 Willow Ave., Glendale, OH 45246-4530
New#- Cell ph. 513-203-7071 New email
Rebecca Barker has painted a series of pictures that depict quilts and their pattern names.
The histories of the quilts are on the backs of the cards.
These pictures are available in 5 x 7 note cards with white envelopes.
Orders shipped with-in 2 working days by U.S.MAIL. Shipping is free. Ohio residents pay 7% sales tax.
Note Cards are sold in packs of 10 cards for $16.95. Two or more ten packs $14.50 each.
To order just list the 10 numbers of the cards you like on the line next to quantity. “Yes you can pick 10 different designs". If you do not list the numbers, I will send the most popular 10 cards for each 10 pack.
In the event I am out of a card I will substitute two of the most popular cards. My website is always up to date.
Any order under 2 ten packs will be shipped first class mail which will take longer. 3 or more, priority mail.
Quantity Item or Card Number Sub total
Make checks payable to; REBECCA BARKER
Credit cards- Discover, Visa or Master Card.
Name on card; __________________________________________3 # Code_______Exp date.____/____
Card Number____________________________________________________________
I also need the Zip code associated with your card if it is different from your mailing address________
Ship to :____________________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________
Town, State, & Zip. _______________________________________________________________
Phone # ________________________________ Date___ /___/____
Email optional _____________________________________________________________________
Total $______________
I do not ship over seas or to Canada. It requires a special trip to the post office. So I don't do it any more. I'm Sorry.